

Braver is a leader in trading. You can count on us to manage medium and high complexity import and export of products and services, with social-environmental responsibility, for all the sectors. Our scope of operations is quite comprehensive.




We are planning (operational, financial and tax) oriented. All import and export operations have accurate financial projections, prepared with quantitative methods, which maximizes budget and time security of the projects.

At the same time, a high standard internal management, and insured by Porto Seguro Insurance Company, monitors over 130 compliance processes in imports and approximately 115 compliance processes in exports. This ensures that, during the execution, all risks related to the operations are mitigated, which strengthens the reliability and quality of our services.

At the end of the management of each import and export project, our Quality team checks the experience of those who have hired us, always looking to exceed expectations. The totality of our clients has their expectations met or exceeded and remain loyal to the brand.

Sustainability is always present. We neutralize the carbon footprints generated in the operations we manage and, still, we plant hundreds of trees, every year, in areas with environmental degradation in Brazil. The trees are strategic as they capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, one of the gases that aggravate the greenhouse effect, and help to regulate the temperature.

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Foreign Trade and International Affairs Authority

Leader in high and medium-complexity projects in different economic segments.