
Trade Agreements

Trade Agreements
Trade Agreements
Trade Agreements are international negotiations between two or more countries that reduce or eliminate trade barriers between their signatories. It provides greater economic integration, facilitates international investments, and strengthens legal security amongst their members. There are different types of trade agreements governed by the World Trade Organization (WTO), each of them with their specificities.




Trade agreements may also rule other topics related to Foreign Trade, in addition to economic perspectives, either regarding trade defence, imposing technical barriers, photoinitiator measures, capital market, or intellectual property.

One of the most relevant aspects in a trade agreement, after its negotiation and publishing, is named "Origin Regime". Origin Regime or Rules of Origin are provisions that must be complied with in order to determine the country of origin of a merchandise that will use a trade agreement. In other words, such Rules of Origin determine whether a product may, in fact, benefit from a trade agreement.

Through deeper studies, we delve into trade agreements and apply that knowledge in the technology employed in the productive process, adding competitiveness to international negotiations. Understanding the parameters of qualification of a product as original from may be the key to expand exports.

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Foreign Trade and International Affairs Authority

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