
Tax Optimization

Tax Optimization
Tax Optimization
Tax Optimization applied to import operations consists in the fine assessment of the tax framework effective in the country, aiming to prevent distortions that punish the importer and preclude its project in Brazil.




Import tax, IPI (industrialized products tax), PIS and COFINS (social taxes), ICMS (similar to value-added tax), IRPJ and CSLL (taxes on income), ISS (service tax), tax substitution, and so on! The most interesting thing, perhaps, is the equations behind each of them. In an import process, for example, taxes are usually the second largest expense incurred, when not the first, and must be fully paid promptly, which decapitalises the entrepreneur in Brazil.

Everything counts! In other words: the tax framework of the importing company, the state (FU) where it is located, the tax framework and location of its consumers, the type of product that is being marketed, the tax incentives that the company may benefit from, the purpose of the import, etc.

That is why tax optimization is important. At Braver, every international operation receives planning, which includes tax scenarios. Here you do not incur any expense with taxes that may be legally reduced or eliminated.

We design every step of your international project and study all tools available so that you have the best tax experience in your import operations in Brazil.

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Foreign Trade and International Affairs Authority

Leader in high and medium-complexity projects in different economic segments.