
International Affairs

International Affairs
International Affairs
International Relations or International Affairs systematically study the political, economic, and social universe between the nations. The range of that study field puts internationalists in an advantageous position, especially in activities that demand situational analysis, reflections, and understandings regarding the main contemporary international topics.




The political, economic, and social risk is always considered in an internationalization project or in medium and high complexity import and export operations. In that context, the support of a team of internationalists may be key to get an accurate reflection and for adequate mapping of the advantages in taking such project forward.

Moreover, beyond the international analytical universe, such knowledge may be applied in complex, even multilateral, negotiations between countries that have relevant cultural differences with the potential of precluding a project.

Our internationalists assess the different international contexts and assist your business, in an advisory manner, in medium and high complexity negotiations, in more than 192 countries.

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