
Foreign Trade Outsourcing

Foreign Trade Outsourcing
Foreign Trade Outsourcing
Foreign Trade Outsourcing happens when an organization (either small, medium, or large) decides to rely on a specialized and trustful company to manage its Foreign Trade department, usually in the pursuit of better results.




The area of Foreign Trade is highly technical, also tends to be quite sensitive. This is because it is strongly regulated in all of its interfaces, very susceptible to sanctions and penalties and for moving significant financial and tax amounts as well.

In Foreign Trade Outsourcing, Braver structures, develops, or manages the areas of Foreign Trade and International Affairs in organizations from various segments. The advantage is in the high level of specialization and in the implementation of a wide international management model, which walks through the entire business chain (development of foreign suppliers, internationalization, negotiation, international legal support, import, export, foreign exchange, financial and tax management, insurance and international logistics).

Relying on a relevant and experienced partner to manage that area may be the best strategy to minimize risks, optimize processes, and reduce costs. Foreign Trade Outsourcing tends to make the entire corporate structure more efficient, especially in the case of companies with frequent international operations.

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Leader in high and medium-complexity projects in different economic segments.