
Country Management

Country Management
Country Management
The Country Manager, or Territory Manager, is the professional responsible for managing the business of a foreign company, in its entirety, within another sovereign territory. Such activity is strategic, as it enables a foreign company to understand in detail another market and expand its business reducing the legal, tax, foreign exchange, and cultural risks involved.




Braver offers full assistance for foreign organizations with business interests in Brazil, therefore encompassing product, service or business partnership development, strategic information management reflected on analysis, trends and situational contexts, full legal and regulatory support, and preparation of financial, tax, foreign exchange, logistics, customs, and managerial projections and indicators.

The need to expand business abroad imposes a reflection on several topics, thus, adaptation to the culture and costumes of the country a company intends to interact with is only one of the aspects to be taken into consideration. In that context, the role of Country Manager or Territory Manager is key to maximize the chances of getting it right and to pave the way for internationalization.

If you intend to bring your business to Brazil, despite aiming at Latin America, or if you intend to structure a consistent supply chain in that immense territory (not only from a geographical point of view), count on us.

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Foreign Trade and International Affairs Authority

Leader in high and medium-complexity projects in different economic segments.